Our Setting
Vision Statement
At Kingfisher, we provide an adaptable, stimulating and calm environment where children learn through play to reach their full potential. Our effective and ambitious curriculum enables children to develop in their independence and social skills, growing in confidence by taking risks, trying new things and to be school ready for their onward educational journey. We are an inclusive and diverse setting where our responsive Early Years Educators provide a nurturing, supportive and enabling environment with a wealth of learning opportunities for children to freely express themselves as a unique child. We prioritise children’s well-being, ensuring children feel safe, loved and respected. Through modelled behaviour and quality interactions from our Early Years Educators, children also learn to build friendships, be kind and happy. We welcome all families and strive to work in partnership with them by maintaining open communication, offering exceptional support services and involving them in their child’s progress and learning which further improves their child's educational outcomes.
Our Curriculum
Our ambition and intent at Kingfisher is to implement a broad and rich curriculum where children develop and deepen their independence skills, strengthen their emotional and social intelligence and enrich their Communication and Language development.
The implementation of our bespoke curriculum ensures we continue to adapt and create an enabling environment where children show curiosity and an eagerness to learn. Children learn through play at their own pace, following our free flow child lead system using ‘Planning in the Moment’. We use children’s interests to extend their learning and focused on their individual learning intentions to ensure they make continued progress. We keeping children motivated to learn through new experiences and build on what they already know. Our curriculum comes from knowing the children and our families so we are best placed to provide the appropriate support. In our supportive environment, children are deeply engaged in learning activities. Our responsive staff observe and interact with children using teachable moments to extend their learning and make a difference, giving children the best possible start to early education.
The intended impact of our effective curriculum is to ensure when children leave our setting, they have gained and embedded the vital skills we have taught them to be confident learners and school ready. Our curriculum is flexible meaning we can adapt learning to suit each child.
Our curriculum encompasses the components of Mastery Learning in a play based environment. These components ensure we have a comprehensive understanding of each child’s needs by assessing and monitoring their progress, using sequenced teaching methods and introducing additional support if required. Children are supported in mastering key concepts of learning before moving on to their personalised learning intentions. This approach ensures children are not left behind in their learning and understanding, making continued progress at their own unique pace.
We embed the 3 Prime Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (Communication & Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development) before slowly introducing the 4 specific learning areas (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World, Expressive Arts and Design).
We acknowledge the importance of delivering an ambitious curriculum and how our teaching makes a difference to children’s outcomes. We strive to continuously evolve and adapt in order to meet the needs of each unique child.
How we Teach Independence
Embedding independence skills in the early years promote children to become confident individuals,
ready for their onward educational journey.
At Kingfisher, staff teach and model….
How to put on coats and shoes
Managing personal care such as handwashing and toilet training
Making own independent play choices
Encouraging children to think critically through understanding the world around them
Promoting children to problem solve
Becoming School Ready by learning to be responsible for their belongings
Recognising their own emotions and how to self regulate
Encourage children to rake safe risks, such as riding a bike independently
Through teaching and modelling the above, children gain confidence in their own abilities to complete tasks independently, feeling a sense of belonging and building resilience for future.
How we Teach Emotional and Social Skills
Personal, Social and Emotional Development is vital to ensure children thrive in all areas of learning.
We teach children valuable emotional and social skills to become resilient learners.
At Kingfisher, we…
Support children’s behaviours and attitudes, modelling what is expected of them
Encourage children to relate to and build meaningful friendships with their peers
Embed an understanding of consequences and the difference between right and wrong
Teach different self regulation methods and ways of managing feelings and emotions
We validate all emotions, offering emotional security and forming warm bonds
Build social confidence by engaging in Show and Tell in front of a group
Enriched learning experiences through social trips in the community to our local Library and Care Home
Teach children to be inclusive and accepting of all differences across all aspects of life
This is done in a safe and calm environment, supported by caring staff who are dedicated to children’s outcomes. We recognise that children’s first experiences play a vital part in their long-term development, leading to the future success of our youngest generation.
How we support Communication and Language
Supporting children’s Communication and Language is important for their overall development
and directly contributes to the other 6 areas of learning.
We encourage this learning area by…
Having a variety of book resources available in our Book Corner
Offering children the opportunity to borrow books from the Kingfisher Library to read at home
Encouraging a rich language environment in our Role Play area
Extending language during Show and Tell, asking children to describe their experiences
Assessing children using our WellComm Assessment Tool
Using visual aids for children who aren’t able to verbally communicate
Engaging in turn taking conversations, asking questions
Giving children simple instructions to follow, adding to their vocabulary
Asking children to describe and explain their feelings
Engaging in music and rhyming activities
Termly trips to Sonning Common Library for all children
We identify any gaps in children’s communication and language development through our WellComm Assessment and implement any early help strategies to support their progress.
Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning
“The Characteristics of Effective Learning describe behaviours children use in order to learn. To learn well, children must approach opportunities with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm. Effective learning must be meaningful to a child, so that they are able to use what they have learned and apply it in new situations. These abilities and attitudes of strong learners will support them to learn well and make good progress in all the Areas of Learning and Development.” – Birth to 5 Matters
Playing and Exploring
This focuses on children’s engagement, how they plan and think ahead, making their own independent choices, how they respond to new experiences and how a they are guided by their own thinking and actions. Children are encouraged to show willingness to ‘have a go’.
Active Learning
This works on children’s motivational skills, being deeply involved and able to concentrate, having courage to persevere and keep trying even if they face difficulties, enjoying achieving what they have set out to do. Children also participate and become familiar with routines.
Creative and Critical Thinking
This develops children’s thinking, having their own unique ideas and developing on these, how to problem solve independently, engaging in pretend play to think beyond the ‘here and now’, making links between ideas and working on different strategies. Children are taught to overcome problems and use their imagination to different approaches.
Weekly Learning Intentions
Each week, we have a Weekly Learning Intent and the theme for that week will be incorporated during group times and activities in the setting. The Learning Intent will be communicated to parents and on our notice board, emails and Facebook page. These themes are focused and planned to embed and extend specific gaps in learning across our cohort.
Key Person System
We have a robust Key Person system in place where each child is assigned a Key Person to support their targeted learning and progress. You child’s Key Person will be your first point of contact for progress updates and if you require any additional support. Staff know their key children very well and build on embedding skills and knowledge which is specific and focused around each individual child.
Each practitioner in the setting also have a designated role within our setting. These include SENDCO, Language Lead, Well-Being Expert, Oral Health Expert and a Safety Officer.
How we Track Children’s Development
We track children’s learning progress termly to assess their ongoing development. We’ve developed our curriculum by combining The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and Development Matters guides to ensure children are constantly learning and on the right path to making expected level of progress which is unique to them. Our aim is to ensure each child leaves our setting having reached their full potential.
Staff promote, model, encourage and use teachable moments to extend children’s learning. Our staff are responsive by tuning into children’s individual play choices, interests, interactions, thinking and ideas. Staff use sensitive interactions which involve listening, guiding, explaining, asking appropriate questions, helping children reflect and setting reasonable challenges unique to each child. Staff make observations on children to evidence their progress, which is recorded in their learning journeys.
We work very close in partnership with our parents and carers, building relationships in order to further progress and support each child. Each term, parents and carers will be invited in for a meeting to discuss their child’s progress. We offer extended support services to all families where necessary and work closely with them to further their child’s learning outside of the setting.
Kingfisher Rainbow Rules
We have a robust Kingfisher Rule system in place that is modelled to children every day. These rules set the foundation for children to become familiar with setting boundaries. Through modelled behaviour by our dedicated staff, children are able to embed our Kingfisher Rules and become familiar with what is expected of them and maintaining good positive behaviour.
Our Kingfisher Rainbow Rules are
Be Kind and Gentle - we use kind hands
Treat everybody the same - we include and treat everyone with respect
Look after our property with care - we take care of our toys and each other
We tidy up - we tidy up after playing with our toys
We use our Inside Voices - inside we have listening ears and we do not shout
We use our walking feet - inside we use our walking feet to move around
Other Information
The Kindergarten is owned by La-Ryne van der Westhuizen who will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
The Manager is Kirsty Johnson who works full time and is also available to help and answer queries at any time.
Our staff team are caring, experienced, qualified, safeguard trained, first aid trained and DBS checked.
We are committed to providing a safe and happy learning environment and supporting you and your family throughout their Preschool journey, building a strong foundation for entry into Primary School.
We have children moving on to all the local primary schools including Sonning Common Primary, Caversham Park Primary, The Hill Primary, Emmer Green Primary, Caversham Primary, The Heights and Kidmore End to name a few. We are in contact with all foundation teachers and work closely with them to ensure children have the best possible transition to Primary school.

